
2024-05-14 14:56 文、图/轻工学院 刘雷鹏 点击:[]

围绕着我校发展战略及轻工学科内涵拓展,轻工学院功能高分子材料团队吕生华教授、马兴元教授、刘雷鹏博士和周庆芳博士聚焦生物质功能材料研究,并在该领域取得了系列研究进展,近2年来在Food Hydrocolloids(一区TOP,IF11.504)、Separation and Puification Technology(一区TOP,IF8.6)、ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering(一区TOP,IF8.4)、International Journal of Biological Macromolecules(一区TOP,IF8.2)、Journal of Materials Chemistry C(IF6.4)等国际权威刊物上发表论文30多篇,其中ESI高被引论文及热点论文1篇,这些论文均以赢博官方(中国)总部为唯一完成单位。本团队发表的论文中SCI引用超过500次的1篇、超过200次的1篇、超过100次的3篇,吕生华教授入选2023年全球2%顶尖科学家榜单。本团队近些年积极与企业合作,进行技术服务及技术成果转化工作,近几年完成技术开发及技术转让90多项,研究成果获得了陕西省技术发明二等奖1项及陕西高等学校科学技术特等奖1项。本团队依托研究项目及成果,指导研究生参加互联网+、挑战杯等竞赛活动,获国家银奖1项,陕西省金奖2项,陕西省银奖3项,陕西省铜奖1项。近一年主要研究论文介绍如下:

【1】He Tingxiang, Liu Xiang, Lv Shenghua,Wei Dequan, Liu Leipeng. Three-dimensional graded porous structure and compressible KGM-GO/CS/SA composite aerogel spheres for efficient adsorption of antibiotics, Separation and Puification Technology.2024, 236.



【2】Wei Dequan, Lv Shenghua, Zuo Jingjing, Liang Shan, Wang Jialin,He Tingxiang, Liu Leipeng. Fabrication of chitosan fluorescent hydrogel membrances cross-linked withbisbenzaldehyde for efficient selective detection and adsorption of Fe2+. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules. 2024,132088.


本论文的创新之处在于制备了一种以壳聚糖为基材、以双苯甲醛(BHD)为交联剂的荧光壳聚糖基水凝胶薄膜(CSBHD),该薄膜具有灵敏检测Fe2+和高效吸附Fe2+离子的性能。CSBHD薄膜能够在0-160 -1范围内对Fe2+离子显示出线性荧光强度响应,极低检测限为0.55 μ.,最大吸附容量为223.5 g/mg。该材料为环境监控和Fe2+等重金属离子吸附提供了新方法。

【3】Li Jianfeng, Ma Xingyuan. Preparation of lignin-based full-color carbon quantum dots and their multifunctionalization with waterborne polyurethanes. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 2024, 265, 130860.



【4】Liu Leipeng, Yun Haochen, Chen Xiaofei, Duan Yuanduo, Ji Zhe, Lv Shenghua, Zhang Yuehong. Preparation of Poly(guaiacol methacrylate-methyl methacrylate) Dielectric Films through Biobased Origin Guaiacol. ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering, 2024, 12(7): 2739-2750.


本论文的创新之处在于将生物质材料丙烯酸愈创木酚酯(GEMA)与甲基丙烯酸甲酯(MMA)制备了一种新型生物基共聚物电介质—聚(愈创木酚甲基丙烯酸酯-甲基丙烯酸甲酯)[P(GEMA-MMA)],发现了愈创木酚结构的高HOMO能级有助于捕获和陷阱自由电荷载体,显著提升了材料的能量存储性能,室温下的击穿强度高达710.5 MV/m,比纯PMMA高出32.5%,且在500 MV/m下的充放电效率达到了87.0%,远高于纯PMMA的70%。即使在100°C高温条件下,其能量存储效率仍可维持在84.7%的高水平。此研究为生物基电介质薄膜的开发提供了一种新方法。

【5】Wu Lei, Lv Shenghua,Wei Dequan, Zhang Siran,Zhang Shanshan, Li Zexiong, Liu Leipeng, He Tingxiang. Structure and properties of starch/chitosan food packaging film containing ultra-low dosage GO with barrier and antibacteria. Food Hydrocolloids, 2023, 137,108329. ESI高被引论文,ESI热点论文



【6】Zuo Jingjing, Lv Shenghua, Liang Shan, Zhang Shanshan, Wang Jialin, Wei Dequan, Liu Leipeng. Fabrication of 1,8-naphthalimide modified cellulose derivative composite fluorescent hydrogel probes and their application in the detection of Cr(VI). International Journal of Biological Macromolecules,2023, 253(4): 127082.


本论文的创新之处在于开发了一种基于1,8-萘酰亚胺改性纤维素的复合荧光水凝胶(CENAEA/PAA),这种材料不仅能高效且选择性地检测和吸附Cr(VI),而且具有0.58 μmol/L的低检测限和189.04 mg/g的高吸附容量。其荧光猝灭行为与伪二级模型和Freundlich模型的良好拟合,其在重金属离子检测与环境修复中具有很好的应用前景。

【7】Lv Shenghua, Zhang Shanshan, Zuo Jingjing,Liang Shan,Yang Juhui,Wang Jialin,Wei Dequan. Progress in preparation and properties of chitosan-based hydrogels. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 2023, 242(2):124915.




(1)Wei Dequan, Lv Shenghua, Zuo Jingjing, Liang Shan,Wang Jialin, He Tingxiang, Liu Leipeng,Fabrication of chitosan-based fluorescent hydrogel membranes cross-linked with bisbenzaldehyde for efficient selective detection and adsorption of Fe2+. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules. 2024,132088. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijbiomac.2024.132088.

(2)He Tingxiang, Liu Xiang, Lv Shenghua,Wei Dequan, Liu LeiPeng. Three-dimensional graded porous structure and compressible KGM-GO/CS/SA composite aerogel spheres for efficient adsorption of antibiotics. Separation and Puification Technology, 2024. 346. https://doi.org/10.1016/ j.seppur.2024.127547.

(3)Li Jianfeng, Ma Xingyuan. Preparation of lignin-based full-color carbon quantum dots and their multifunctionalization with waterborne polyurethanes. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 2024, 265, 130860. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijbiomac 2024.130860.

(4)Liu Leipeng, Yun Haochen, Chen Xiaofei, Duan Yuanduo, Ji Zhe, Lv Shenghua, Zhang Yuehong. Preparation of Poly(guaiacol methacrylate-methyl methacrylate) Dielectric Films through Biobased Origin Guaiacol. ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering, 2024, 12(7): 2739-2750. https://doi.org/10.1021/ acssuschemeng.3c07286.

(5)Wu Lei, Lv Shenghua, Wei Dequan, Zhang Siran, Zhang Shanshan, Li Zexiong, Liu Leipeng, He Tingxiang. Structure and properties of starch/chitosan food packaging film containing ultra-low dosage GO with barrier and antibacteria. Food Hydrocolloids, 2023, 137, 108329, https://doi.org/10.1016/j. foodhyd.2022.108329. ESI热点论文及高被引论文

(6)Zuo Jingjing, Lv Shenghua, Liang Shan, Zhang Shanshan, Wang Jialin, Wei Dequan, Liu Leipeng. Fabrication of 1,8-naphthalimide modified cellulose derivative composite fluorescent hydrogel probes and their application in the detection of Cr(VI). International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 2023, 253 (Pt4), 127082, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijbiomac.2023.127082, 2023, 127082.

(7)Lv Shenghua, Zhang Shanshan, Zuo Jingjing,Liang Shan,Yang Juhui,Wang Jialin,Wei Dequan. Progress in preparation and properties of chitosan-based hydrogels. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules,2422, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijbiomac.2023.124915.

(8)Cao Xingzhong, He Tingxiang, Sui Jinqi, Yan Yihan, Liu Xiang, Liu Leipeng, Lv shenghua. PVA/KGM dual network hydrogels doped with carbon nanotubes-collagen corona as flexible sensors for human motion monitoring. Journal of Material Chemistry C, 2024, 12, 3333-3344. https://doi.org/ 10.1039/D3TC04479C.

(9)He Tingxiang, Lv Shenghua, Wei Dequan, Feng Rui, Yang Juhui, Yan Yihan, Liu Leipeng, Wu Lei. Photothermal conversion of hydrogel-based biomaterial. Chemical Record, 2023,23(11), e202300184. https://doi.org/10.1002/tcr.202300184.

(10)Lv shenghua, He Tingxiang,Wei Dequan, Liu Leipeng. Adsorption mechanism of the novel amphoteric dispersant and its effect on structure and properties of hydration products. Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, 2024,4,26. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jiec.2024.04.033.

(11)He Tingxiang, Yang Zhen, Lv Shenghua, Liu Leipeng, Liu Jinru,Wei De-quan, Yang Junjie, Liu Xiang. Low-concentration octadecylamine based nano cellulose prepared by acid hydrolysis method improving the toughness and thermal stability of epoxy resin. Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, 2024, 134, 95-101. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jiec.2023.12.040.

(12)Wei Dequan, Liang Shan, Lv shenghua, Zuo Jingjing, Zhang Shanshan, Liu Leipeng.Preparation and Properties of Modified Lignin/Triphenol Epoxy Composite Coatings for Superhydrophobicity and Corrosion Protection. ACS Applied Polymer Materials. 2024.4.26, https://doi.org/10.1021/acsapm. 4c00679.

(13)Wang Jialin, Lv Shenghua, Zuo Jingjing, Liang Shan, Yang Juhui, Liu Leipeng, Wei Dequan. Preparation and performance study of rhodamine B naphthylamide, a fluorescent probe, for the detection of Fe3. Analytical Methods, 2023,15(48):6716-6721. https://doi.org/10.1039/d3ay01809a.

(14)Lv Shenghua, Zuo Jingjing, Zhang Shanshan, Liang Shan,Wang Jialin, Wei Dequan. l-Arginine modified lignin composite carbon quantum dots fluorescent probe for Cr(VI) detection. Macromolecular Chemistry and Physics. 2023,224(4),2200380. https://doi.org/10.1002 /macp.202200380.

(15)Lv Shenghua, Zhang Shanshan, Zuo Jingjing, Liang Shan, Liu Leipeng, Wei Dequan. The efficient detection of Fe3+ by sulfonamidated lignin composite carbon quantum dots. Polymer Engineering and Science, 2023,65(5):1439-1447. https://doi.org/10.1002/pen.26295.

(16)Liu Leipeng ,Yun Haochen, Zhang Kangning, Ji Zhe, Liu Jinru, Lv Shenghua, Tan Shaobo. Improved electromechanical properties of polydimethylsiloxane composites with sandwich structured Al(OH)3@GO nanosheets. Polymer Composites, 2023, 49(8):4905-4914. https://doi.org/10.1002/pc. 27452.

(17)Ma Xingyuan, Li Jianfeng. Preparation of multicolor carbon quantum dots by hydrothermal method and their functionalization applications. Journal of Luminescence, 2024, 266, 120296. https://doi. org/10. 1016/j.jlumin.2023.120296

(18)Li Jianfeng, Ma Xingyuan, Ma Minglan. Preparation and performance study of dye-based carbon quantum dots. Inorganic Chemistry Communications, 2023, 150, 110541. https://doi.org/10.1016/ j.inoche.2023.110541.

(19)Ma Xingyuan, Li Jianfeng. Preparation of full-color carbon quantum dots with multiple emission centers. Materials Today Communications, 2023,36,106561.

https://doi.org/10.1016/j.mtcomm. 2023. 106561.

(核稿:刘国栋 编辑:刘倩)

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